My brother is at it again. Visiting him at his apartment, he keeps coming up with simple and delicious-looking food that may or may not be good for your health (see bacon and mac 'n' cheese) This recipe is for homemade pizza or pizza snacks using English Muffins as crust. It's actually pretty tasty and should work for a late night snack.

Smear the sauce onto each muffin. Sprinkle grated cheese evenly. Sprinkle bacon bits. Add 2-3 slices of pepperoni on each muffin. Toast on high for 10 minutes until the sides of the muffins are brown. Serve with beer and/or Red Bull.

English Muffin Pizza
- English Muffin
- Spaghetti Sauce
- Pepperoni
- Bacon Bits
- Grated Cheese
Smear the sauce onto each muffin. Sprinkle grated cheese evenly. Sprinkle bacon bits. Add 2-3 slices of pepperoni on each muffin. Toast on high for 10 minutes until the sides of the muffins are brown. Serve with beer and/or Red Bull.