Meatless Baked Penne Pasta Recipe

This is more of a let's-see-what-I-can-put-together. It was either that or order pizza. I chose to make something up and it's not so bad. This baked penne pasta is meatless, but could also work with 1 lb of ground beef mixed-in.

Meatless Baked Penne Pasta

Meatless Baked Penne Pasta

  • 1 Jar Tomato Basil Sauce
  • 5 Tomatoes (medium to large)
  • Garlic Powder and other seasoning of choice
  • 1/2 Cup Minced Garlic
  • 1/2 Cup Minced Onion
  • 1/2 Cup Grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 Cup Shredded Mozzarella Cheese (use more for cheesier taste)
  • Basil leaves (optional)


Boil water in a pot and "under-cook" the pasta. This should take anywhere from 7 - 10 minutes.

In a big bowl, mix the jar of tomato basil sauce with garlic and onion. Add garlic powder and seasoning to taste. Cut tomatoes to desired size. I really like to taste my tomatoes so I cut them in wedges.

Preheat oven at 350 deg F.

Once the pasta is done "under-cooking", arrange a first layer of penne pasta at the bottom of a baking dish. Then slather a good layer of the sauce to cover all pasta. Sprinkle about half the cup of shredded mozzarella to finish off this layer of sauce.

Then, add a second layer of pasta and sauce for the top. Spreadout the rest of mozzarella and the parmesan. I tend to buy shredded mozarella in packages, so I prefer to add more cheese on the top, sometimes using a whole package. Add basil leaves and/or other desireable toppings. I'd use bellpeppers and olives if I had them at the time.

Bake for 25 minutes. Let cool before serving.